Annual communication deadline for arduous works
By March 31st, the annual communication for monitoring arduous works for the year 2023 must be submitted. This communication is required because employees engaged in such works are entitled to early access to retirement, and by fulfilling this obligation, the employer transfers the information to the ITL and the relevant pension institutions.
Arduous works include the following:
- Particularly arduous works (Article 2, Ministerial Decree of May 19, 1999), such as: – works in tunnels, quarries, or mines – all tasks performed underground by employees predominantly and continuously; – works in compressed air chambers; – works performed by divers; – works at high temperatures; – processing of hollow glass; – works carried out in confined spaces – predominantly and continuously, especially construction, repair, and naval maintenance activities and tasks performed continuously within confined spaces, such as gaps, wells, double bottoms, decks or large block structures; – asbestos removal works;
- Night works (Article 1, Legislative Decree 66/2003);
- Works performed by employees on the so-called assembly line (Article 1, paragraph 1, letter c), Legislative Decree 67/2011, listed in Annex 1 of the same Decree): – confectionery products, additives for beverages and other foods; – processing and transformation of synthetic resins and thermoplastic and thermosetting polymer materials; production of finished articles, etc.; – sewing machines and industrial and domestic knitting machines; – construction of motor vehicles and trailers; – thermal appliances: steam production, heating, refrigeration, air conditioning; – household appliances; – other tools and appliances; – packaging with fabric of clothing articles and accessories, etc.; – packaging of footwear in any material, even limited to individual phases of the production cycle;
- Drivers of vehicles with a total capacity of not less than 9 seats used for public collective transportation services (Article 1, paragraph 1, letter d), Legislative Decree 67/2011).
In the case of night works (carried out continuously or included in regular periodic shifts), failure to submit the annual communication entails an administrative fine ranging from 500 euros to 1,500 euros.